Apr 032020

The 4 P’s Guide to Write Winning Fundraising Campaigns

The 4 P’s Guide to Write Winning Fundraising Campaigns

First up: The Promise

P for Promise

There are four parts to this secret copywriting formula. Use it wisely!

The heart & soul of every campaign is a Big Promise – One simple, easy to understand, useful solution to a common problem.

But hold on now. Before you write a single word, you need to nail down a few key elements:

First, get to know your donor inside and out.

After all, you can’t solve their problem if you don’t know who you’re talking to.

  • What do they want?
  • What do they love? Fear? Crave?
  • How old are they? Married? Kids? Employed? Retired?

Then, look at your cause. What is your organization known for?

  • Who or what do you serve?
  • What are the features?
  • The surface benefits?
  • What are the deeper benefits that speak to an emotional need?

The Promise Formula looks like this: Features + Benefits + Customer Needs & Desires = One Big Promise.

Second: The Picture

P for Picture

Part two of the secret copywriting formula…

Once you’ve drawn the donor into the Promise, paint a Picture in their mind.

What does life look like NOW, before you’ve provided the solution? Really yank on the donor’s emotions about the situation. Fear, guilt, horror, outrage, anger… even love, honor, or faith.

Your organization can help the donor solve that problem! Give the donor a clear picture of how they can use your service to make a difference in the world.

It’s true. A picture does speak louder than 1000 words. Sometimes too loud!

Beware of relying too heavily on images. The wrong image in a fundraising campaign can kill response rates.

Instead, get really good at telling word stories. Draw the donor into the room with a suffering patient, or cuddling an abused puppy. Make the donor a part of the action.

Copywriting isn’t about saying everything there is to say. It’s about saying one thing that will speak to your donor.

Third: The Proof

P for Proof

Part three of the secret copywriting formula…

You’ve set the hook by appealing to your donor’s deepest emotions. She’s interested in solving this problem you’ve told her about. But…

Now you need to reassure her with rational reasons that she’s making a good decision.

Before she can donate to your worthy cause, she needs to know you’ll do what you say you will.

Here are a couple simple ways to add Proof to your campaign:

  1. Testimonials: These can be from other donors… clients of your nonprofit… celebrities… anyone who has a positive relationship with your cause.
  2. Success Stories: These work best in the Reporting Back stage of a fundraising journey. Use these on your website, in newsletters, and Thank You letters.

Fourth: The Push

P for Push

Fundraisers often stumble at part four in the secret copywriting formula. And it’s the most crucial step.

You’ve done the hard work and told your donor there’s a problem… Shown her how she can fix it… and proven you can be the instrument she uses to make change happen…

Now, you MUST ask for the Donation!

A thriving nonprofit charity is the same as any business. You won’t last long without funds to fuel the programs and services you offer.

But for some reason asking for the money feels uncomfortable. But here’s the honest truth.

Your donor is waiting, hoping, sometimes desperately, for you to give her the opportunity to say “YES! Please use my money to save the (fill in the blank)!”

If you don’t ask her, straight out, “Will you donate $25 today to feed hungry children?” you’re doing your donor (and your charity) a disservice.

So give yourself a pep talk, and remember – You’re in the incredible business of saving the world. Your donor wants to say yes! It’s OK to Push for a Sale!