Jun 222020

Saying ‘Thank You!’ to Donors is More Than Good Manners

Saying ‘Thank You!’ to Donors is More Than Good Manners

Saying a heart-felt Thank You! to your donors is the pivot that every other touch point revolves around. 

As a donor-focused copywriter, I can help you take advantage of every opportunity to tell your donors “Thank You! Your caring support makes a difference…” 

Gratitude is the most essential key to a donor-centered fundraising plan. For example, how would you feel getting a letter that starts like this:

“Dear Fundraiser,
Thank you so much for everything you do! The world is a better place because of your hard work and dedication…”

Well, I mean it. You really do make the world a better place. So I put a mini ‘Thank You!’ here just for fundraisers like you to find. Like a virtual hug from me to you.

And, that’s the kind of writing your donors need, too. Personal… conversational… loving… and sincere. When donors feel appreciated, they give more. Which makes them feel good, and want to give again… and again… and again.

And, when they give, you have more money to spend to do even more good work. Which makes you feel good!

This cycle of love and appreciation is what makes the world go around, after all.

When Should You Send a Heart-Felt 'Thank You'?

Thank You campaigns can happen ANY TIME you feel your donors need some love. You don’t need a reason to say Thanks. 

Wondering if you should send a physical letter or use email? In today’s digital world, especially after the COVID-19 crisis, email is quickly becoming a great way to stay in touch. That said, email still doesn’t match the power of a letter in the mail.

In my opinion, when your budget allows or the occasion calls for it, stick a stamp on it. Your donors will love you for it!